Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Everybody Knows That I'm Insane

From a journey out east, a few years ago, to the Halifax harbour
with a few friends, I have acquired a sort of infatuation with these
QOTSA (Queens of the Stone Age) dudes. It's not that they have
anything to do with Halifax, or Canada really, but just in my experiential
association with them. It was there that this guy (who I hope I can
call my friend) named Charles introduced me to them in his studio.
Not...physically just...through his cd player.

And ya know, thinking about it, if it weren't for Halifax, I maybe
probably wouldn't even give that band a second thought today, but
because of my amazing and positive times there, I think well of

But truthfully, I think that even if I had never gone out east, I
would still at least respect them today because man, they rock the
ass out of my pants. Their speed, intensity, driving guitar riffs,
and note-holding/wavering rocks my innards to a level that only
a few bands can. I'll have to write a review of their newest LP
'Lullabies to Paralyze' sometime, but not today. I have been at work
since 9:30 am and its now 10:38 pm. I crave slumber.

But really, if you're even maybe considering checkin out QOTSA and
their tunes, you should go back one album to 'Songs For The Deaf'.
One of the greatest rock albums of all time. Seriously. I don't say that
often, so take heed. Master Grohl drums through its entirety and that,
in and of itself, is a selling feature. That is, in fact, the album that Charles
played and later burned for me in Halifax which made me like them so much.
Some swearing, some useless screaming, yes, but it is the music that
makes you feel alive.

On that note...Big gulps eh? Welp, see ya later.

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