Saturday, January 01, 2011

Fear Of Honesty

I want to renew my vows. I want a second chance. I want to go back
and change things. And yet, in the same breath and space, I don't want
to change anything.

This blog has been a burden to me for a long while and I've never really
fully been able to place it - but I've discovered why: I'm afraid of being
honest. I'm afraid of letting something out that will shock and alter
everyone's thinking. I am massively insecure but I hide it well. I long
for acceptance from my peers and friends. I do know, though, that
these are things that scare not only me but many of my friends and
family. We are wired for acceptance.

I want to be honest.

I want to be real.

Come along with me for another 365 days of Blogdom.

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