Water Shed Summer
The rain has come down with a reckless abandon this summer.
Although it has kept things green and lush, it's been hard to
enjoy those green and lush places due to the amount of wet
slop falling from the sky. It's a real downer, at times.
Last night, I heard the rain in full force while I slept. I awoke
many times throughout the night to hear it reminding me
that it could change its rate of flow and really make noise
in the tiny alley between our house and the next one over.
I remember seeing a movie when I was a kid about a group
of children locked in a house/castle and it always rained
outside. For a moment within the film, though, the sun came
out in a piercing blindness. One of the kids ran outside to
play while the others warned him not to do so.
I can't remember what happened. It was just a weird movie.