Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cookies And Crackers

The term 'washed-up' usually refers to someone who is far past
their prime but still doing the same thing to gain attention and/or
money. It's also usually defined by the cast who makes up each
season of 'Celebrity Apprentice'.

Isn't Tom Green too young to be washed up? In some ways, yes.
In others, I think this Ottawa-born local wacked-out figure
has been through more of a ringer than many hollywood types
will endure in a lifetime. And the weird thing does one
define Tom Green? He's definitely not an actor...but he's acted 
in many films. He's definitely not a comedian...but he had his
comedy shows for years. He's definitely not a rapper...but he
was in a fairly popular rap group in Ottawa in his teens/early 
twenties (Organized Rhyme) and started re-releasing some new
old-school style rap music last year.

He's an embodiment of sorts. He signifies the journeyman 
aspect of media. 

Anyways - I'm not quite sure where I was going with that. I
didn't intend to write for so long about Tom Green (although
he is a part of this city's heritage and rightfully so, I think).

I'm chillin this afternoon. I have a board meeting tonight and
another meeting tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to either
but I will make do. I lent 'Synecdoche' to Owen and he said he
loved it. If you want to hear a great review my friend wrote
about that film a while back, go to his audio post
and give it a listen.

Today was one of the coldest walks home that I have
experienced since December. It is March 12. Everyone seems
to be confused and upset. I will never be confused by Canadian 
winter. It is the great X factor.

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