Monday, February 23, 2009

Icy Thoughts

Tonight, I just need some time to think. On my way home from
work, I laced up my skates and hit the large icy ravine. I 
descended the steps at 5th avenue and felt the late afternoon 
wind hit my face. The sun was starting to lower itself. I
thought about life, community, the Glebe, Ottawa, friends,
love...and me. I plugged my headphones into my skull 
and let the new Killers album tickle my ears on my way.

The ice was in fine form today and there was barely a soul
out to experience it. Even through the music, I could hear
the crystal swishes of my feet pushing out for speed. I
thought about different people. People who I've become
close to...and others who have fallen off the grid. I thought
about how quick we are to jump on each other when we
should really take a few steps back and evaluate our actions
before we do anything. I pushed onward, past the beaver
tail stop at pretoria bridge and passed a few ankle-skating
girls (who seemed to be having a blast - good for them).

As I made my way to Somerset, I felt a little renewed. I
felt like the dawning of new things are on the horizon line.
I saw a fat man without a tooth laughing in a very hoarse
manner. He seemed jolly despite his lack of oral hygiene. 
More power to him. Laughter is an amazing medicinal

I rounded the corner by Somerset and saw the sun get 
lower. The ice conditions became pretty crappy but I 
wouldn't be on for too much longer. I plunked on to a
bench and exhaled deeply. I took off my skates and put
them in backpack, swapping them for my warm boots.

I ascended the steps up to Somerset and thanked the 
Lord above for days and moments like these.

I copy-catted the words of Bill Murray as I pulled my
toque down hard and said ' an adventure'.

Sometimes, a skate on the canal is all that the soul
truly needs.

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