Friday, February 13, 2009

Alas - It Is Gone...For A Time

Here's the deal: I've been drinking too much beer, lately. Since
I have moved to Ottawa, there are so many nice places to go for
a pint that I find instead of choosing a favourite spot...I just 
frequent them all. As of March 1, I am going to stop drinking
beer for exactly 1 month. I know that this doesn't seem hard
as I can still drink other alcohols (i.e. wine, Jack Daniels, etc.),
I am going to try replacing beer with something more athletic.
The athletic endeavour could be canal skating, running,
long walks or even ultimate frisbee (when the weather gets

I want you all to keep me accountable in this journey. I wrote
it here as a way of making it public and quantitative. I know 
that new studies show that beer isn't even that fatty (as 
compared to wine, juice or even milk) but it's the eating cycle
that comes with drinking beer as it tends to induce the
appetite. I'm not even really that fat - I just want to make 
some healthier choices. 

Who's with me?

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