Sunday, January 04, 2009

'Matt! I heard you're GAY!'

The title of this blog is an actual phrase that someone yelled to
me repeatedly, down into the staircase of my apartment, a few 
minutes ago. The person who yelled this phrase is a pastor of a 
church in Kingston. At first, when I heard someone repeatedly 
yelling that phrase, I was taken aback as I didn't recognize the 
voice. I knew that Landon was back in town and figured it was a 
friend of his so I went to investigate as the phrase had been 
repeated over and over. Upon ascending the stairs, I could hear
Landon's chuckle. Upon seeing the speaker of the phrase, I realized
that it was, in fact, Landon's dad - Mark Kotchapaw.


Today has been a good day. I made a decent amount of coin this
weekend at the bar (but not without a fair share of drama including
visit last night from the 'snow queen') and Sarah and I just got back
from a trek to the Fox and the Feather to watch the Miami/Baltimore 

I still have my toque on.

and for the record, I am not gay...well...I don't think I am.

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