Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sometimes, I feel as if I can so write so clearly and effectively communicate
what I am dreaming and thinking in a way that would give others a
crystal insight into my soul. Other times, I am awash in self-doubt as
waves of lethargy and complacency roll over my being and my body
climatizes in the tepid waters.

Sometimes, I think Jesus would come back and look at how we are living
today and shake his head while saying 'Man, you have it so wrong.' It's
supposed to be simple.

We make things so complex.

A beautiful and melodic chorus of piano music bellows out of a temple
hall that is behind a steel-gated and locked door which I cannot enter.

Is everything always just beyond the rise? Or is everything here and I'm
missing it?

Burn up all the books that have ever been written and replace the pages
with life lessons.

I want to start a record label and musical community and really take it
seriously but I'm afraid of failing...and I think I'm more afraid of trusting.

There is nothing new under the sun.

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