Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weather Droids
Weather is such a massive mood predictor. It seems that more
and more people and friends of mine are becoming affected by
Seasonal Depression. On a day like today, though, I think
all are thankful for a little warmth and ray of golden sun.
It's such a feeling of release to be able to remove your jacket
and just walk outside with only a hoodie. It's life-giving.

I've been thinking a lot about Jesus and all of the teaching of
Scripture and how...Jesus never really endured a winter! In
his time on earth, he was in a pretty hot/tropical section of
the globe. Weird eh? I think there is much to be learned
from the seasonal swing as the winter teaches us methods of
perseverance and rest while the summer teaches us to
experience life outdoors in the beauty of nature. Jesus never
had that seasonal dichotomy and pretty much lived 33
years in summery weather. Why?

Any thoughts?

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