Thursday, April 21, 2011


I'm convinced that autopilot is the absolute premier mental state to be
enraptured within. It's the notion of being so busy and having so much
on your plate that you're actually flying through the motions of life -
in a technicolour blur - and it seems as if you are watching a move of
yourself and not actually living. In those times, when the endorphins
are flowing and the adrenaline is super-charging our CNS, we learn
to flow - We learn to move and react.

I got hit by a car last week - a CAR! A motor vehicle smacked me
upside the right leg and thigh and put me up in the air (for what
seemed like a full second) and down on my ass on the street. I got
up right away and luckily and thankfully walked away (after collecting
the borrowed car's driver's info and the info of a witness). My doctor
(who I visited yesterday) could not believe that I didn't come away
with a bruise or even a scrape. 'Jeez', he said while writing info into
my file. 'You're lucky or blessed, Matt - one or the other'.

That could have been it - curtains. Lights out for life. Bedtime for
Bonzo. But it wasn't. I am still here - and so busy and enthralled into
my schedule that I haven't had time to really process anything.

God is in the details - and if I'm not flying the plane - who is?

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