Saturday, May 16, 2009

Long Weekend Forgetfulness
You see, living in Kingston is kind of a timewarp. Oh wait - I should
officially introduce myself. My name is Brendan. Before I get into
this timewarp business, I should note that Matt asked me to run 
his blog while he was away. So I did. I hope you all enjoyed reading
as much as I enjoyed writing - although it seems like I weighed a
little heavy on the theological diatribes (judging from your 
comments) so I'm sorry if that bothered anyone. I am just a 
passionate person. Sometimes, I like to wail out '40' by U2 on
my hollow-body and just sing at the top of my ever-burnin'

Anyways - back to the timewarp thing (now that my long delayed
intro is out of the way). I forgot that this was the long weekend
and due to a late night bender with Todd Stelmach, 2 nuns, a 
beagle and a cornish hen, I lost track of time. Whoops!

Anyways, this was my saturday post.

I believe Matt is back now and scratching off the remains of
his touristy sunburn.

You should be hearing from him soon. 

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