Monday, May 11, 2009

Another day, another movie poster.

I'm back. Not a lot has changed since yesterday. I realize now that I have experienced such a unique and strange experience as this I see how, really, I'm just like the guy above. But, you know, instead of turning into a 12 year-old kid, I have turned into a 20 year-old kid. And as I think about this turn of events I have to wonder: did these things happen in order to get me out of my blog-writing slump? In the timeless words of Reverend Lovejoy, "Short answer yes with an if. Long answer no with a but".
That didn't really answer the question (nothing like a good Simpsons quote...) but it still has to make you wonder. Do you believe in coincidence? Does everything happen for a reason? I am one for this train of thought, it occupies my mind frequently.

And for all you readers out there, check out Frederick Buechner if you haven't already. He is a scarily gifted writer. I'm currently reading 'Goderic' and it is the kind of book that demands your attention. It's even written entirely in iambic pentameter for corn's sake! Another book of his that I have enjoyed immensely is 'Son Of Laughter', it rocked my socks off for lack of a better term; a masterful piece of fiction.
It's summertime. Go read a good book.

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