Sunday, March 13, 2011

North Bay Bound

5 straight days of touring around Northeast and Southwest Ontario with
a Juno-winning musician. How did life ever get to this point?

North Bay was a fitting end to wild and woolly couple of days. Starting
off at the Dakota in Toronto on a cool March night and ending on a
snowy Saturday in North Bay. A family feel began to set in - along
with feelings of annoyance, weird smells and feigning odd behaviour
to get attention while driving in a big white Sprinter. We stopped to
find breakfast on the way back from North Bay - no dice. All we
found was a Kelsey's in Huntsville.

It's amazing how an odd and almost otherworldly experience can
become almost mundane as the days go by. Waking. Eating. Driving.
Setting up. Playing. Eating & drinking. Sleeping. Repeat.

The cycle lulls you into a subconscious state where you sort of morph
willingly from one activity to the next. The schedule becomes god.
Adhere at all costs.

It was a fun and educational trip. I ain't no Pennebaker - but I am a

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