Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Nothing More To Say

I've been having trouble staying on top of this blog and motivating myself
to continually update it. With every day, the sun rises with potential and
energy and excitment - and sets with a certain sobriety and somber feel.

But I said another 365 - and what I say, I stick to - so I'm doin' it.

The winter has holed me up and this snow doesn't seem to want to stop
falling. Recently, I also decided to stop drinking coffee and it's been over
2 weeks now without my usual sugar-cream-caffeine kick. I've been
drinking organic decaf tea. The great thing about tea is that I don't put
anything in it - no sugar or milk. I've been sleeping a lot better but I think
I've been a bit sleep-deprived because even upon the initial waking moment,
I don't want to get out of bed.

Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not super-depressed. I just don't have much
direction. I need to get out for a bit. I need to pull the pin.


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