That's a snapshot of me taken last night by Sarah. She was fixing
some nanaimo bars in the kitchen while I sat with a glass of
Jameson by the fire.
I'm wiped out. Spent. Done. Biscuits. Yarded. Fudged. Fuel-less.
Funneled. Cake Pied. I didn't think I would have much fun
travelling around northern Ontario with a Country Band...but
I sure as poop did. In all honesty, I know this band isn't anything
legendary - and it's not like we went from Tokyo to New York
to Australia or anything...but it was a ride.
It actually was a bit of a surreal setting. I spent three solid days
with the same dudes in a van, in hotels and behind stages. I
can probably name the names of their wives just from their
conversations. The jokes rolled out in a pace that was
unforgiving and side-splitting. The gas rolled out of arses
in cyclical disgust (which was something I was told called
'road rump').
It sorta reminded me of the film 'Almost Famous' where the
girl at the end of film (who was a friend of Kate Hudson's
character Penny) who was a groupie for the band talks about
'the ride having to end somewhere'. That's kinda how I feel.
I know it's kinda lame - but it's the truth.
I feel like I'm back in a different world now. Detached.
Anyways - meet the boys (from left to right): Chris, Brent, Stephen,
Murray and Dave (and some wanna-be Blues Brothers dudes in