Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Kind Of Story Are You Living?
I don't like to read books. I like to replace pages of text
with life lessons. One author, though, has stuck with me through
the years as someone who has ignited the passion that is within
my bones - Don Miller. He's not the most eloquent writer of
all time and definitely goes for the simpler strand - but he
writes experientially and he never publishes anything that
is not real or genuine to his own life - and that goes a long
way with his reading audience.

His newest offering 'A Million Miles In A Thousand Years'
is all about the elements of story and what makes a story
compelling. It's a pretty amazing and powerful read. The
question is repeatedly asked 'What kind of story are you
living?' It's a good question.

So what kind of story am I living?
What kind of story are you living?

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