Sunday, October 25, 2009

Go Time
Alright Phillies. Less' see whatchoo got. (spit, spit).

The fall classic is almost here...and WAY into the fall. Do
people care? Is baseball as fun as it once was before it was
rigged by salary-capping? Do you remember a day when it
really was all about peanuts and cracker jacks?

Who are we kidding - baseball has always been rigged even
before the days of Babe Ruth and extreme white supremacy
in the majors. Of course, it wasn't white supremacy then was just an accepted standard behaviour.

Sarah and I are chillin' at home today. I conned her into
watching True Lies with me on VHS. Great classic Arnie
flick. It still blows my mind that the man on the screen, beating
the hell out of terrorists, is now a governor.

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