Tuesday, June 23, 2009

External Spiritual Hard Drive
I had the chance to meet with my friend Jon Harris today. I respect
Jon in many ways. We definitely have differing views but I can say,
that for the most part, our hearts are aligned in the same mission,
purpose and passion.

We spent some good time talking about the silly language of
'Christianese' and how it is often spoken by a personality type who
thinks that in speaking the jabber-ish way they do, they are actually
closer to the big G for doing so - kind of an oxymoron, there. The
little I know about God would indicate that He is all about truth
and clarity - and so I wonder, then, how speaking in a constant
forum of untruth, babble and uninterpretable jargon really
brings one 'closer' to this same God who doesn't want anything
to do with that.

Very odd.

It's like the attachment of an external spiritual hard drive - it
stores files and does the job of your main hard disk but it is not
really a part of the main computer. It's attached - but often void
and vacant and totally separate from the main computer. It's
forced - and really just a back-up/failsafe system. When people
speak that way, it's like they are making direct links from the
external to the internal. It's an excuse to not clean your main
hard drive and get it working and functioning properly.

Clean out your hard drive.
Perform the system checks that are needed.
Partition stuff.
Scan for viruses...and then re-scan.

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