Alright. It's official. I'm sick of this stupid blog. I don't know what
possessed me to say that I would undertake the giant task of blogging
365 days this year of 2009 but I officially...OFFICIALLY regret it.
I'm sick of forgetting until the end of the day and squeaking some
shitty post out just so I can write some lame entry.
Blah. Blek. Toilet Paper. I'm totally uninspired in the world of
writing. In fact, this blog detracts from my other writing projects
and makes me want to throw away my knowledge of the English
language. I hate blogs. I hate pretending to care about reading my
thoughts and the thoughts of other people. Who gives a rats ass?
No one. It's every man for himself.
I loathe blogging. I loathe bloggers. I despise Google with a fire.
The tabs at the top of my blog say 'Posting', 'Settings', 'Template'
and 'Monetize'. Tell me something, Google - how the FUCK am
I going to make money from a blog in the middle of a universal
recession? Monetize this.
I am more interested in cataloguing the different peaks and valleys
in the sound of my asthmatic cat's snoring than I am in writing.
The dismal whir of my fridge is far more intriguing that etching
this post. Picking navel lint would be a huge step of progression
from here.
Blog - I hate you.