Ballad of the DayShifter
IT has happened upon me recently that i may, in fact, be able to geta daytime shift for next quarter. This would be a massive blessingto both my personal and married life because as it stands, currently,I do not get to see my wife at all. I work 3:30 to midnite, home by 12:30,and she's asleep when I get there. Imagine the concept of actuallyhaving evenings free. I shudder to think at the possibilities. Needlessto say, I'm looking forward to it with great anticipation, but it may noteven happen, so I won't get my hopes up.
Other than that apple, I'm still on the tree for the most part. Most ofthe Christmas shopping has been exhausted, along with theeconomic resources that make the shopping possible. I'm tiredof my usual 'this holiday is so materialistic' banter so I won't stoop to thatlevel but just remember, this crazy season, that we must all allowourselves a 'time-out' or two to reflect and ponder. What it is youponder is obviously up to you, but self worth is a good place to start.YOU HAVE A MEANING AND A PURPOSE.
This One's For You, J-Dog'gotta put myself in neutral and re-charge the batteries'
The Dog. I don't usually write posts about one person in particular - usuallyI blend many together in one shot. But this one is for a trooper - a greatman who I haven't known for all that long but whom I long to spend most ofmy free time with. For some reason, I equate him with The Great Vince (seenabove) mainly because, like Vince, he doesn't mince words and he is as loquaciousas they come. I find that I can spend hours talking with him about absolutelynothing and yet infinitely everything at the same time. We are both fountsof useless information, but when it comes to sports, all must bow to his goldencalf of the mighty hockey. Those who know him, though, don't mind his zealfor the puck and the ice and let it slide as he usually does not miss a Leafs game, and likes to cuss out even his closest friends if his team is havinga bad game. He loves to use the f-word, part of the time to those who cantake it having thrown at them, and the rest of the time to those who needtheir worlds to be shaken up a little. He likes beer but he enjoys it most in the presence of good friends, and ismuch like Jesus in the way that he loves to spend time and fellowship with those that are important to him. He holds no boundaries in his friendshipsand dwells on both sides of the 'church' fence, and I wish there were morewho reach out as well as J does. Sometimes, people who know him little oreven a lot can get annoyed by his constant 'banter' or 'loudness', but mostlythose people know where they can go and how to get there. Because that'spart of J. And what he annoys people with in his voicing, he makes up forin his exuberant passion that kindles the fire of his writing, his visionand his life.But for all the bells and whistles of J, there is a deep, meditative quiet thatunwinds itself on highways in a blue truck, with a great album and ahot cup of coffee. He longs and yearns for those times where he can getaway from the madness of this life and connect with the One who giveshim all meaning and hope. And though J often wrestles in thatrelationship, he makes it real and he makes it count.I met him right before driving through a hellish snowsquall storm, from Huntsville to Ottawa, on the way to a Coldplay concert. He wassomeone who my Sarah pointed out to me and said 'I think you guys wouldreally get along' but being the typical guy, I shrugged it off and thoughtmaybe he had a crush on her. But from the first time I heard thatinfectious, bellowing laugh of his, I thought to myself 'I want to beable to hear that laugh as much as is humanly possible' and thus began our journey together as friends. There has been pizza, there hasbeen hard truths and confessions revealed, there has been importedbeers, there has been prayer, there has been encouragements, therehas been piss-offs, but for the most part, there has been love. I'm gladyou've come into my life Jon. And as you would so fondly say it,bless your little heart.-M